BARCA. Ilustraciones y Caricaturas

"Barca", Javier Barcáiztegui, is a great cartoonist and caricaturist, framed in the tradition of costumbrismo. Of analogical talent, he considers that the interior portrait of his characters, "his psychology", always precedes the stroke of his pencil.

Collaborator in numerous publications - Saturday Graphic, ABC, Epoca, Trophy - is known primarily for his illustrations for the books and articles of his great friend Alfonso Ussía.

Lover of the field and hunting, manages to capture, with much ingenuity and large doses of humor, funny moments in his hunting and country drawings.

In 2014 he was awarded the Mingote Prize, master of whom he is a great admirer.

This book contains a wide selection of drawings made throughout his life. It is, in short, a fun book, which will undoubtedly arouse smiles in anyone who approaches him.


54,00 €

Prólogo de Alfonso Ussía.

Spanish edition

160 pages

150 color illustrations

24 x 28 cm

Paper on board binding

Madrid, Ediciones El viso, 2017

Reference: 978-84-947342-4-3

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